
What We Do

The California Health Care Safety Net Institute (SNI) supports California’s 17 public health care systems in their efforts to provide high-quality, equitable care.

SNI’s Three Key Roles

Working hand in hand with our advocacy partner, the California Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems (CAPH), SNI plays three key roles to advance public health care systems towards excellence:

Shape Policy Development

Inform statewide and national health care policy with members’ on the ground perspectives and experiences.

Provide Reporting Expertise

Strengthen data collection, performance measurement, analytics and reporting capabilities.


Offer expert-led workshops, webinars, and other programming to facilitate peer learning across systems.

Our Impact

Because of our work, millions of Californians, especially those from historically marginalized communities, receive effective, efficient, and culturally appropriate health care, regardless of their ability to pay, immigration status, or other factors.

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Photo Credit: Natividad Medical Center