Our Partner CAPH


Unprecedented Staffing Crisis and Provider Burnout

The uncertainty and isolation caused by COVID has taken a toll on everyone, even more so on those who work in health care and face the effects of the pandemic every day.

Now, several years into COVID-19, public health care systems are experiencing an unprecedented staffing crisis with high rates of turnover and a widespread feeling of burnout. The pandemic has exacerbated existing staffing challenges and further underscores how critical it is for health care providers to rest, recover, and process stress and trauma.  

Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. Photo Credit: Susan Merrill, UCSF

SNI’s Workforce Wellbeing Initiative

To help systems rebuild, SNI launched a program focused on workforce wellbeing where participants learn about the evidence behind wellbeing and burnout, measurement approaches, and effective levers for change at the system, team and individual levels. The program includes virtual and in-person meetings with national wellbeing experts and dedicated time for leaders to share promising approaches with one another, as well as the opportunity to develop and execute a wellbeing project with support from a coach. 

While there are no clear solutions to such a complex problem, the program provides members with new strategies and tools to continue to strengthen and improve workforce health and wellbeing in their systems.